Welcome to Assiem Ltd Personal Coaching

For more information on how personal coaching could help you, we have a new website dedicated to this and detailing more areas where we can assist you.  Click HERE.

Through Personal Coaching we help clients improve their confidence and self esteem; finding ways to unlock their potential to succeed in their chosen goals (including health, wealth and happiness)

Do any of the following sentences sound similar to what you say to yourself and others?
“If only I was more confident, I could ….”
“I can’t do presentations”
“I am always in debt”
“I can’t find the right partner”
“I’m too old to do that…”
“I am useless at spelling”
“If there’s a bug going round, I’ll always seem to catch it”

If you believe you can do something you probably can. If you believe you can’t do something, you probably won’t even give yourself the opportunity to find out. As Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”.


You start to acquire and form your beliefs from birth and will continue to refine and add to them as you go through life. The beliefs you have about yourself are very powerful. Positive beliefs build your confidence and self esteem and allow you to achieve your desires (“I’m a very healthy person”, “I have the house of my dreams”). Negative beliefs and decisions we make about ourselves, however, will limit our abilities and achievements.

According to the latest research from the Universities of Warwick and Manchester, the powerful effect of improving your mental health is 32 times more effective at increasing your happiness than money is! What would that feel like to you?

Executive development such as leadership skills, management skills and effective communication skills can also be enhanced when any negative or limiting beliefs about your potential for achievement are changed, and you have the confidence to move forward.

Working together on identifying the negative and limiting beliefs you have about yourself will allow you to improve your confidence, self esteem and happiness, and start to achieve the goals and desires you want.

What will you be missing out on if you leave these negative and limiting beliefs as they are?
What could you achieve if you believed you could?
Why not contact Karen to discuss your options?


Everything you have experienced in life determines what you think, believe, feel and how you behave. These experiences can be positive or they can be inappropriate to personal success. However, you have all you need to succeed; you know your strengths and limitations, are naturally creative and have the capability to make the best choices for yourself.

Using Applied Neuroscience, NLP and Time Line Therapy™ Personal Coaching techniques, we can explore these together to help achieve the goals strived for, or reduce pressure and stress, in order to gain a better quality of life.


Whatever you want to improve upon, let’s start now. The number and duration of coaching sessions will be designed around your specific needs and confirmed within the first initial consultation.
Please use the Contact Form to arrange a time for an initial discussion or answer any queries.


Applied Neuroscience, NLP and Time Line Therapy™ can be used in Personal Coaching to achieve remarkable results in the following areas. Click on the relevant tab to find out more about the results you can achieve and how to get started, or use the contact form to arrange an initial discussion.

  • Building confidence and self esteem
  • Communication skills and/or presentation skills
  • Overcoming phobias (including phobia of public speaking, as well as phobia of flying, phobia of spiders, phobia of heights, phobia of snakes, phobia of needles, and many more)
  • Overcoming fears, panic attacks and anxiety
  • Stop Smoking
  • Improve Spelling

Applied Neuroscience, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Time Line Therapy™ are Personal Coaching techniques which bring about results by working with our natural patterns of thinking, using our memories and imagination, and identifying the strategies we use to relate to others and make sense of the world around us.

Karen is a Certified Practitioner of Applied Neuroscience and Certified facilitator of Hogan Assessments.  She is a Mental Health First Aider, a certified practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnotherapy, and is also a certified practitioner of the widely accepted management tool the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument.


