Is Coaching For Me?

Have you wondered whether executive coaching is for you?  Unsure what the procedure would be, and therefore feel uncertain about getting involved?  Well, hopefully the below will help. Coaching from Assiem Ltd is tailormade, uses your real-life situations to implement what you learn and provides a supportive and confidential environment in which to discuss your […]

Leaders Are Responsible for Their Development Too

Over the years, Leadership Development programmes have cost organisations dearly.  Companies can be providing  their leaders with the tools, but more often than not, nothing much changes in the day-to-day results.  As with the old proverb “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”, you can provide great leadership development […]

A Cocktail for Every Occasion

In a previous article I talked about Motivational Needs and how leaders can motivate or de-motivate their colleagues and teams using psychological rewards or threats against fundamental values such as fairness, significance, variation, certainty, autonomy and connection.  Now I wanted to move away from the leadership skills and review what you can do as an […]

Deleting, Distorting and Generalising That Affect Communication

Have you ever experienced going to an event with someone and when discussing it afterwards, it was as if you were at two different events?  It’s worth understanding why that is in order to help improve communication. We receive an external event through our sensory input channels (visual, auditory, kineasthetic, olfactory smell, gustatory taste).  Then […]